Find The Best Package Treatment Plant At Water Matrix!
Water Matrix is your ultimate partner for customizable package treatment plants forUAE. We provide treatment plants of different sizes with varying capacities. Hence, no matter the size of your plant, Water Matrix can help you.
Package treatment systems by us use membrane technology for separating water and removing raw sewage. The water separation from raw sewage is done by rapidly rotating a pipe series in the wet Sewage Treatment process. The separation involves exposing solid material present in the sewer to a UV light and chemical disinfectant mixture. An inert mass of residual disinfectant, water, and solids is left behind when raw sewage passes through treated water. One of the advantages of the package treatment plants is that it does not require modifying the existing line extensively. Hence, it can be installed in no time.
process diagram
Package treatment plant by Water Matrix
Water Matrix Technologies offer extensive sewage treatment plants in UAE and Saudi Arabia. We provide STPs from the traditional aeration process to the current technology of the Membrane Bio-Reactor. In addition to standard STPs, we also customize designs according to the clients’ specific needs. Also, we provide package treatment plants for temporary project sites.
Why Water Matrix for Package treatment plants?
The treatment plants by Water Matrix improve the performance and reduces the operation cost.
Our treatment plants have improved and compact designs.
Water Matrix’s treatment plants use high-quality products and high-quality piping materials.
Our treatment plants can be operated easily and maintained with no stress.
We offer flexibility in design and can customize it according to your specific needs.
A passionate tech-driven team of Water Matrix delivers just what you need.
Our quick response time to issues also makes us the best team for treatment plants or screens for sewage treatment plant.